One Year After Graduation: Some Lessons I’ve Learned

Today officially marks one year since I’ve started my journey into the real world. I won’t sugarcoat this; it has been rough. Job applications one after another, confusion, and complete break downs. I had moments of wishing I could run back into school to avoid all these responsibilities, but here I am a year later writing all about my insane journey of adulthood. Don’t worry, not everything has been rough. I’ve had such exciting moments to go along with this ride.

This year I’ve probably made more mistakes than ever. For all my recent graduates, just know your first year isn’t going to be perfect or ideal. You’ll find yourself probably more frustrated than ever with yourself and with how your life may be turning out. However, this was the most fulfilling year of my life.

Photo by Tara Murphy @taralaurenarts

No, I don’t have the dream job.

I’m not in my field. In fact, I’ve been on my own journey for the last few months figuring out what I even want to do. I’m going through a career crisis. (I’ll share my stories in a different post.)  However, through this I just learned more about myself. I have so many passions to the point where I realized I may just be a person who may have multiple side projects or may look into being an entrepreneur.

Just know that confusion and change of heart is okay. It’s okay to not be working your dream job or even being in your field of study. It’s okay to have a change of heart after a new experience. Again, IT IS OKAY. You’ll survive! I still have a job, able to pay my loans and still do me while I figure this whole career thing out. I’m doing more than surviving, I’m living.

Self Care > Partying, Oh Yeah.

I’m not saying when you start adulating you’re not going to party. I still go out with friends here and there, but I’ve found myself enjoying time to myself. Even after work I gravitate towards going home because self care comes first. If I’m extremely tired, I rather go home and give my body what it needs versus playing basketball with friends. If you know you’ve been over worked, it’s okay to say no to a night out clubbing or to dinner. If you wanted to take a bath all week or simply cook for yourself, then do it. No one is stopping you. In the end, your personal growth can only flourish if you look after yourself.

Yes, I have bigger and better goals.

When I left Manhattanville, I had goals that I honestly thought I’d complete by now. However, this easily changes. Things happen, you figure out new things about yourself, and sometimes you realize maybe you don’t want those things anymore. While my goals may not be the same, I have new ones - ones that I find manageable and know they have an outcome that will work for me. I’ve even started getting into Manifestation (That’ll be in another post, I promise.) Again, it’s okay to change goals.

Stay on track.

One big thing that tends to happen post grad is constantly comparing your path to someone else’s. While I didn’t have very much of this, when I did catch myself doing that, I reminded myself of my goals and aspirations FOR ME. You need to remember that everything will happen when it should and, while you may think people around you are ahead, who knows? In their eyes you could be ahead of them. As long as you are following your path, no one can take that away from you. I believe in reminding yourself of your goals daily to keep your eyes on the road ahead.

Money can be stressful. (Like, a lot.)

I get it. We all need money. Paying back loans, bills or living on your own can be expensive as hell. However, this is when that Personal Finance course I took in college came in handy. It may be helpful to come up with a financial plan. Part of adulating is also beginning to notice your spending habits. I use to spend up to 50 bucks on buying food everyday for work. While I loved my arroz con pollo and bubble tea, meal prep instead and avoid extra spending everyday. Plus, I’m eating a lot cleaner, which is a bonus for your health. The way I see it, if you have a financial plan and save when you can, you’ll find yourself being rewarded a lot more than you think.

Before I left Manhattanville, I saw myself in a completely different light. I had this picture in my head of where I saw myself at this point and now my image is completely different. Where I am today is not where I planned to be, but it’s what I’m loving right now. Which leads me to the last and biggest lesson - as long as you’re happy and doing what you love, then that’s what matters.

Final reminder, IT’S GOING TO BE OKAY!

Congratulations to the Class of 2018 and Happy One Year to all my fellow 2017 graduates. We taking life one day at a time.


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