10 Lessons I Learned at Her Conference 2017

If you’re someone interested in writing, marketing, communications, broadcasting or anything along those lines, Her Conference is a great two-day packed event you should look into. This is my third Her Conference and every year it gets better and better. From the line up of speakers to the giveaways, you’ll be sure to have a blast and to leave with some new connections.

If you missed Her Conference this year, don’t worry. It’ll be back next year, but here are 15 important lessons I learned from the conference that I think everyone should know.

Take a Risk

I already knew this, but I never realized how important taking a risk is especially when it comes to working or wanting your dream career. We can hold back a lot not only in our personal lives, but in our work place. You may be scared to apply for that internship that you don’t feel you’re qualified for, but how would you know if you didn’t take that risk? Take a leap and you’ll be surprised by where you land.

“Yes, I can!” Attitude

This falls into taking a risk as well. We don’t know everything, and we, as humans, should keep learning. This means that when you find yourself with the opportunity to apply for a new job that isn’t necessarily your focus or in a situation where someone is asking you to do something you’ve never done before, take that chance and say yes! Why? You can teach yourself something new and learn along the way. You’d be surprised by how impressed people are by those who take on the challenge of learning something new just because they want it.

Planning is Key

To all my bloggers and creators out there, you may be questioning what you’re doing wrong when it comes to your brand. You may feel as if it’s not going anywhere. Your initial launch is key, which means planning is key. You can’t launch something or just dive into something without a plan. This is why planners and those amazing apps that help keep you on your “A” game come into play. If you’re planned out in advance, you’ll feel more confident in your brand development and you can see how things play out.

Start Anywhere

We all have a dream job. Trust me, so do I, but not everyone is lucky enough to achieve their dream job right away. It sometimes takes years to do so. You may find yourself searching
LinkedIn for new job listings that are what YOU want, but the truth is when you’re fresh out of college you won’t get that job right away. This is why it’s important to continuously work on yourself and your skills. Take the job you can get for right now even if it’s at a small office and not really exciting. Building your skills, resume, and demonstrating that you’re flexible in different areas can give you a boost in the future.

Don’t Always Do It Alone

I use to not like asking for help and sometimes I still struggle to, but asking for help is never a bad idea. Surrounding yourself with others who want to help lift you up and encourage your success is key. Not only should we ask for help, but we should also be there to help others as well.

Be Intentional

Be sure whatever you do is with intention. Focus on what you care about, the story you want to tell, and what pulls at your heart. This will change your point of view in life.

Be You

Make sure you’re sticking to your beliefs, staying true, and being authentic. This applies to everything including starting your own business or brand. Don’t measure yourself to someone else! People want to see you for you and, while some people may not like you or what you stand for, there are people who will and they will support you in doing so.

Work Hard, but Play Nice

Work hard for what you love and what you’re passionate about, always. However, be polite and kind to others. This may be hard at times because girl....I know sometimes people can be rude or mean especially in the big city, but try.

Live a Life, Not Curate a Life

We can get sucked into social media and try to portray ourselves to be something we’re not. Take a step away from the phone and go out and live your life. Human interaction is key and you can’t do that by sitting behind your phone and trying to build a life when you can actually be living it.

Network, Network, Network

Knowing people who aren’t even in your field can really be helpful. You never know when you may need their help. Not everyone is good at networking these days, but take little steps into working on it. Attending Her Conference is a great first step for that!

I learned probably 50 more things from this conference, but I think it’s time for you to go to learn it. Check out HerCampus.com and be sure to attend Her Conference next year!

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