5 Big Lessons I Learned at 22

I don’t know about you, but I’m no longer 22. This was hands down one of the most challenging, exciting, fun, memorable, and successful years I’ve had so far. While I dislike odd numbers, I’m happy to move on to 23 and to continue the unknown path of life. With that being said, I learned a lot at 22 that will follow me until I die. While I could be clever and cliché and list 22 lessons I’ve learned, I’m sticking it to the top 5 that I will remember each and everyday.

You Will Always Be Criticized

I learned this closer to the end of my run as 22 when I didn’t expect to hear someone basically downgrade a success of mine, but also I felt this was a lesson I was preparing to realize all along. You can do the right thing, the wrong thing, put in the hardest work ever and someone will always find something to criticize you about. Being the emotional person I can be, it can hurt, but I realized I don’t have time for that. The more negative energy you let in, the less you’ll grow. As long as you know you worked your ass off, then that’s all that matters.

Screw 5 Year Plans

I’m serious. I graduated at 22 with a BA in Creative Writing with minors in Marketing and Communications and while I have an idea of the career and the life I want, I don’t have a damn clue where I’ll be in 5 years. I’d like to think I would be in my career, living on my own, potentially seeing someone, but I won’t plan it. I refuse to sit here and write down what I should be doing in the next 5 years and how to do it. Yes, I do think sometimes these plans can work for little things like a fitness journey or finances, BUT I do not think you should use this as a tool to guide your path. Live on the edge, go where life takes you and discover your true passion.

Being Alone is Amazing

I used to not like being alone, but then I realized how much I learn about myself when I am alone. Being able to think, breathe and focus on myself without the influence of others around me is fantastic. Being able to do what I want, when I want and not have to report to anyone is really such a freedom you need to enjoy while you’re young. I’m a huge believer that your 20’s should be the time for you to be on your own and to not listen to what others say. Think about it, your entire life up until this point has been dictated by your family, school, friends, etc. It’s time for you to take the wheel and guide yourself.

Your Passion Comes First

People might disagree, but I believe you should chase your passion. My mother told me that she wanted to actually be a dancer, travel the world and choreograph. She was talented. My family always told me she had what it took to become a famous dancer, but my grandfather told her she needed to pick a stable career to support herself and the family she wished to have. Ever since, my mother raised my brother and I to always go after our dreams no matter what it may be. She has always supported my passions unlike anyone else has. You don’t want to be stuck doing something you don’t love. Your life is too short and precious to spend being miserable. Remember, while society and the people you care about may think your passion is crazy and unattainable, as long as you know you can do it then that is what matters.

Embrace Change

Change is hard for many people including myself. However, during 22 I found that with a glass of wine and a nice bath I can handle it. I’ve witnessed a lot of change during this year specifically - a change in friendships, environments, life paths, etc. However, I knew every change happens for a reason. There is a reason for everything believe it or not. Sometimes you won’t know the reason, but if you have trust in the change you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Overall, 22 was the most magical year of my life. It’s the one year I actually will look back on and smile about. It’s the year where I grew into myself and realized more than I’ve ever expected. Now, it’s my Jordan Year. I’m 23, unbothered, focused, cruising, and most of all happy.

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