Mini Life Update + What I’ve Learned in 2017

Long time, no blog and I’m not going to apologize for it. One thing I think we all forget is that social media and blogs show only what people want you to see. When no one is on social media, they have their own issues, concerns and may live differently than you may think. While I am a positive person 98% of the time, I’ve recently had a huge low in my life which made me put a hold on my blog and other big plans I had in my first few months post undergraduate.

So what did I do in the last few months? I recovered from this low by doing what I do best which is writing, but more specifically rediscovering my voice. I spent time with my friends and embraced some of the best moments I've had with them in a long time. Family bonding was really strong the last few months and it made me feel so much warmth and happiness. I spent time alone, been depressed and I've cried... a lot, but I appreciated that time because it truly healed my soul. With that being said, I’m back and ready to jump into the new year on a good note. 

2017 was one of the most accomplished and hardest year of my life. I finished my undergraduate career, launched my blog, turned 23, and more. Like mentioned previously, I also hit a really hard low which made the rest of the year sort of go a bit down hill for me. However, I’m so thankful for everything that has happened this year both good and bad. While I have many lessons I learned, here are some of my favorites.

Strength Will Show Itself

I knew I was strong enough to handle a lot of things, but being at such a low point this year made me realize that even when everything around me is going wrong, I’m going to be okay. Strength will present itself in the lowest of moments and make you feel confident again. 

Small Moments = Happiness

I’ve always been happy with the smaller things in life, but this year really made me appreciate the smallest moments even more. From conversations with friends to my family growing closer, I approached every day with a smile on my face and with the hope that all will be okay. The smallest things can really keep people going each and every day.

Follow Your Path

I always knew this, but this really settled with me after graduation. It may seem like everyone is moving ahead of you, but you must remember that your life has its own path. Everything will work out and play out the way it’s supposed to. When everything starts to come your way, you’ll start to see everything fall into place.

Love Your Mistakes

Now being 23, I’m appreciating my freedom and independence more than ever. I have made many mistakes this year, but I learned to be okay with them. That’s what your 20’s is all about. You’re learning how this whole being an adult thing works, but it’s going to be a great adventure. Have fun, make mistakes and do what makes you happy.

While these are only a few things I’ve learned, I’m looking forward to keeping these lessons in mind as we head into 2018. With that being said, it’s a new year and its time for new goals. That I’ll share with you once we start the new year. 2018 is going to be another year to grow, to hustle and to continue figuring out this adulthood stuff. I’m in for the ride.

Happy New Year! 

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